Where should I start learning about Artificial Intelligence?

I don’t get this AI stuff, but I need to understand it. Where should I start?

The internet is awash with content about AI, but here are a few suggestions to help you build your knowledge faster.

Ask ChatGPT

Why not just go straight to the horse’s mouth? ChatGPT is a great tool for asking questions about AI and exploring concepts. Keep in mind that it was trained on data up to mid-2021, so it’s not up-to-date and doesn’t realise the significant disruption it is causing.

Ask the people that made ChatGPT

Tech nerd, John Carmack, opted to simply ask Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s chief scientist, for a reading list. Ilya gave him a list of around 40 research papers and said, ‘If you really learn all of these, you’ll know 90% of what matters today.’

So what are the papers? Reddit speculates that the list looks a bit like this:

If this list looks too dense, you could try a tool like chatpdf to help you summarise the salient points from the PDFs.

Read my book

A while back I used AI to help write a free guide for AI communications professionals. In it you can discover how AI-powered technologies can help you understand your audiences better, help with copywriting and improve accessibility. Explore the potential of AI in translation, speech generation, and image creation. Learn about the challenges of AI adoption, such as data privacy, bias, and job displacement and how to address them. https://artificial-communication.com/

Take a course

For a non-technical introduction to Artificial Intelligence, I highly recommend ‘AI for Everyone’ by Deep Learning via Coursera. It’s an affordable, reasonably quick introduction to the field. https://www.coursera.org/learn/ai-for-everyone

Take a few minutes to get a little more familiar with the technology, It will make what is to come easier.